


《An Old Pagoda Tree》: No. 5 of 《How desolate are the folk songs》


In which layer are you hidden in the distant nether world and mugwort hill?

潸然又张帆 一夜浮萍更漏断

Every late night, my mind sets sail in tears, and my longing spreads infinitely like duckweed.


With the glimmer of faith, people thronged towards those lost ferry places, even with unknown fears


At the juncture of life and death, you sacrificed yoursevles bravely for the cause of justice

月圆桂枝上 一更红烛笏满床

The reunited people awarded glory and ranks enjoy family happiness

只盼着重泉相见 来不及忏悔啊

Only hope to meet you in the underworld before I can repent

眼前风烛皆故人 草头露珠黄

We, who used to be your comrades, are in our twilight years like dewdrops on the yellow grass heads


I  wrote down your nobility in the brilliant memorials


Alas! Your names are inscribed on mass-produced gravestones


Alas! It is our worries and sorrows that flow like a rushing river to the east

归去了 归去了罢 朝着阳之初生的方向

Rest in peace, rest in peace towards the direction where the sun rises


Our precessors laid down the mountains and rivers for us with their flesh and blood


The vast desert witnesses the rise and fall of the sun and the moon in silence


Those difficult years of the past will be diluted by time

古宅门前路南柯 归雁复几何

The old pagoda tree in front of the old house is still there, how many of the wild geese will return

月上东山啰 泪呀泪涟涟

The moon rises above the east mountain, tears flowing down my cheeks

晚睡的秋虫儿 一对对在我窗边

Autmumn insects sleeping late, pairs by my window

那秋虫儿叫呀 叫得我那远行的人儿啊回来啊

Autumn insects are calling, calling my warriors on the expedition back

我的窗儿 我的窗儿上啊

My window, on my window

秋虫儿叫呀 哥哥你回来啊

Autumn insects are calling, calling my brothers back

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